After all, which supplements—vitamins, minerals, hormones, or herbs—are essential to your health? If you could only take one supplement, which one would you choose?
U.S. food supplement manufacturing is a multi-billion dollar industry. Annual sales are predicted to be between $20 and $25 billion. There is a definition for a dietary supplement from the FDA, but that won't tell you anything. To succeed, you must know your end goal(s) and the specific ingredients that will get you there.
By definition, dietary supplements are produced to work in tandem with a person's regular diet. Despite their marketing, dietary supplements should not be used in place of regular meals.

The finest dietary supplements should be thought of as "insurance," not as a replacement for meals. Some people, however, may be unable to digest solid food due to an injury or disease. Powdered and liquid nutritional supplements, such as Ensure, are suitable in these situations because they provide a high volume of calories and vitamins in a single serving, making it simpler for the unwell or injured to consume enough energy to recuperate.
It is common practice to utilize anti inflammatory supplements like creatine, protein, and "fat burners" to enhance athletic performance, reduce body fat, and build muscle. There is some evidence to suggest that using these products may provide a minor benefit, however doing so would require constant use (at increasingly high doses as tolerance builds) for the rest of one's life.
One of the most popular and reliable nutritional supplements at is calcium. Calcium is a mineral that is commonly insufficient in the diet of the average American. Dairy products, calcium-fortified foods like orange juice, soybeans, raisins, fish (particularly fish with the bones still inside, such sardines or salmon), and dark greens are all good sources of calcium.